Inland Mfg. M1911A1 range report


Inland Mfg. M1911A1 range report


Last year, Inland produced a faithful creation of the World War Two M1911A1. I took photos of it but it never occurred to me to wonder why Ron Norton of Inland was grinning so much after shooting the pre-production sample.


Everyone else who got to try it had the same reaction: mirth.


I finally dragged it to the range along with other 1911s, reasoning it can always get by on style if performance doesn’t live up to the modern standards.


This humble WW2 recreation was to compete with an Iver Johnson target longlide and a handsome Sig.

The Inland pistol stood its ground quite well. Twelve yards, seven shots, one hole.


The rest is predictable: an M1911A1 is an M1911A1, milspec. Compared to the rattling issue pistols and even to modern target pistols, this one is quite accurate. A definite keeper.

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Oleg Volk is currently a writer for AllOutdoor who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.