What Will You Do When Strangers or Friends Beg You for Supplies in TSHTF?


What Will You Do When Strangers or Friends Beg You for Supplies in TSHTF?

Preppers and survivalists have a hard decision to make. I call this discussion “fear the knocking dead.” Let’s say that a full-fledged SHTF is underway. You hear the knocks at the front door. You ignore them. Next, you hear the cries, then comes the clawing. You can hear them calling your name.

You’re afraid to peek out of the window for fear of revealing yourself. Or maybe it is out of sheer guilt because you know the people at your door are your neighbors. What to do?

You’ve bugged in or you’re bugged out at a secure location, hopefully. In the process you encounter others who need help. They may genuinely need food, medical assistance, supplies, security from serious threats, and all else. Your resources are not infinite. What to do?

Over the past year or years you and your family have worked hard to prepare for any potential SHTF event. You stocked up on canned goods, water supplies, required medications, guns, ammo, and anything else you thought necessary to sustain your family’s survival. You hardened your primary residence against intrusion and/or you secured a bug out back up location as well. The effort was exhausting and expensive, but it was viewed as a priority.

You did not count on having to supply or support others. Some of those clawing at the front door may be friends or had been friends in the past. You may have quietly tried to counsel them to make preparations of their own, too, but perhaps they thought you a little bizarre or even coo-coo. But now they are knocking at your door because they did nothing to help themselves.

Such situations will likely develop into reality come a prolonged or truly serious SHTF event. A terrible storm, tornado, flood, or such isolated event is one thing. Typically everybody gets out to help their fellow man, but this event is different. Maybe there has been a general economic collapse and the banks are closed. Maybe critical supplies of food, water, gasoline, and other essentials has been halted and nobody knows for how long.

Maybe the power grid is down, and not only is the electricity and water gone, but all communications are down including land lines and cell towers. No news is not good news.

These are tough decisions for preppers. What will you do? Can you live with your decision whichever way you go?

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Award winning outdoor writer/photographer since 1978. Over 3000 articles and columns published nationally. Field & Stream Hero of Conservation in 2007. Fields of writing includes hunting most game in American, Canada, and Europe, fishing fresh and saltwater, destination travel, product reviews, industry consulting, and conservation issues. Currently VP at largest community college in Mississippi in economic development and workforce training with 40 years of experience in Higher Education. BS-MS in wildlife sciences from MO. University, and then a PhD in Industrial Psychology. Married with two children and Molly the Schnoodle.