A Good Vehicle Gun Hides Within Reach


A Good Vehicle Gun Hides Within Reach

Gun concealment inside a vehicle is essential at times. If you travel a good bit, especially in areas of town that are not particularly safe, then it may be a regular practice for you to keep a loaded gun in the vehicle. Having that firearm in a regular waist holster may not always be the best choice. Let’s take a look at some other considerations.

Many years ago my dad was coming out of Scott Air Force Base in East St. Louis driving into the city for dinner. As most know, even 50 years ago this was not a great place to be. I can’t imagine what it is like today. He stopped at a stop light and a man approached the passenger side of his car and slapped the window with a pipe. Glass went everywhere.

As the thug reached for the door lock, my dad already had his Smith and Wesson Model 36, .38 Special pointed at the guy’s head. He backed away real fast. The handgun was sitting in the seat right beside my dad where he could quickly grab it. It was not particularly concealed, but it apparently was in a position to be quickly deployed. That was the crucial part.

So, if you want or have to carry a gun in your car or truck, then take some time to do a full assessment of the interior layout. Just sit in the driver’s seat and look around. What are the options available to you? Consider the size of your handgun and likewise the size of the grip to grab in a hurry if necessary.

Likely if the vehicle has bucket seats, which most do today, then you will have some kind of a center console. Is it open or does it have a closed lid? Is it easy to reach? What about a side pocket in the door. Can you grab a pistol with your left hand while controlling the wheel? Would a gun sit between the seat and console but not fall down out of reach? What about space on the floor board, maybe slightly under the floor mat? Find the best hiding place for you that is easy to reach.

Now practice drawing your handgun from these potential positions. Can you grab it with ease and point the barrel out either window? Whatever position you elect, make sure you can reach it, draw it, and point it.

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Award winning outdoor writer/photographer since 1978. Over 3000 articles and columns published nationally. Field & Stream Hero of Conservation in 2007. Fields of writing includes hunting most game in American, Canada, and Europe, fishing fresh and saltwater, destination travel, product reviews, industry consulting, and conservation issues. Currently VP at largest community college in Mississippi in economic development and workforce training with 40 years of experience in Higher Education. BS-MS in wildlife sciences from MO. University, and then a PhD in Industrial Psychology. Married with two children and Molly the Schnoodle.